Become Firefighter Fearless

When life no longer threatens you with the fear of death… What else is there to fear!?

The majority of the fears that we have are not life-or-death. Through our imagination, we blow them out of proportion and give them more power than they actually have or deserve. We permit them to govern our lives and determine how far we can stretch out on our dreams and discovering our gifts. We begin to look at ourselves and assess ourselves. What have you been stressing out about? What’s the worst thing that can happen to me? Will it kill me?  Will I die? Why am I going through all of these changes over my fears? How much power does this really have and is it me that’s feeding the power into it?  A lot of times we allow ourselves to be fed into and let ourselves be programmed to be afraid. If you watch the news and read the newspaper, you’ll be scared to come out the house. What kind of things and what kind of thoughts are you feeding your conscious? What kind of things are you putting in your mind that will enable you to move forward or justify why you are staying where you are? What’s currently happening or happened in your life that’s creating fear? Some people need some fear to motivate them to change.

Often times people don’t take corrective measures to improve their health until they get a diagnosis from a doctor that they’re about to die. Then they say “I’m ready to do whatever you want me to do”. They still don’t make changes even when people are dropping off like flies around them. Some even have the attitude of “Well, we all die from something”. We go through life really blocking ourselves constantly and fear one of the greatest instruments used to stifle our true potential. When you begin to look at your life you can decide to use fear as a blocker or you can decide to use it as building blocks. You must decide and tell yourself this: I’m going to move in this direction and I will not allow anything to stop me from doing what I want to do. That is when you begin to understand and acknowledge your fear and you go forward anyways. Go for it with spirit and a knowledge that there is always a way that you can handle it. You need to believe there’s a way out of here and a solution. Whatever you’re seeking, believe you have the capacity to handle it and face it. Rather than feeling powerless, you begin to feel powerful. With all the ups and downs of the economy taking place around this country, there a lot of people biting their fingers and fear that they might lose their jobs. There are few people who have decided within themselves, I’m going to make it. Some people are waiting to be cut and others are moving on because they feel within themselves I’ve got what it takes to make it. They’re not afraid about tomorrow because of how they see themselves. They feel that they deserve better and they can create opportunities for themselves. These people have decided as they look at the future, they know there is a way out.  Where there’s a will, there’s a way. We can begin to create a way out for ourselves. When you have that kind of conscious and spirit, nothing can stop you. What would your life be like as you look toward the future and decide, I’m not going to allow my fears to stop me? What would your life be? What would your future be like if you decided to do those things you so strongly desire to do? Feel the fear and do it anyway! You have the capacity to resurrect yourself and resurrect your dreams. Is it easy? No! It’s not easy! Can I do it? Yes! What is one way to get started? Some of us need somebody to hold our hands sometimes. We need somebody to reach out and be willing to give us some assistance. We need that mentor to take us to the next level.

Learn to recognize and control your fears. Start running toward your dreams with confidence and don’t let the negative effects of fear stop you from discovering your true self.